If you're on our plans prior to 07 Oct 2021:
Our free Bill Shock Protection of 3GB will kick in when you run out of data. This gives you time to choose one of the 3 options below:
- Activate the 10GB for $10 Add-on - It’ll then be added to your plan every month until you turn it off.
- Buy a 3GB for $10 Boost - This is a one-off purchase that expires at the end of the month. You can Boost as many times as you like.
- Do nothing - Once you run out of our 3GB Bill Shock Protection, data is charged at pay-as-you-go-rates of $0.02/MB
Please note that you’ll only get 1 allocation of the 3GB Bill Shock Protection per month.
If you're on our current 5GB, 30GB, 50GB or 100GB Monthly Plan:
You have the following options if you run out of data:
- Buy a 3GB for $10 Boost - This is a one-off purchase that expires at the end of the month. You can Boost as many times as you like.
- Do nothing - Once you run out of your plan allocation, data will be charged at pay-as-you-go-rates of $0.02/MB
Please note the following:
- The information in this notification may be delayed for up to 48 hours and does not include overseas calls or SMS, or usage outside of Australia (overseas calls are not available on the 8GB Monthly Plan).
- Your plan will be reset at the start of the next month.
Curious about which type of data is consumed first? Check out this article to view the usage hierarchy :)
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